Tuesday, March 2, 2010

reality check...

all i hear right now is the giggles from my kitchen table as my girls eat thier lunch, and my sweet hailee saying "tant ju mommas" ( translation: thank you mom) and i look back on the past few hours where all i did was yell and get mad at them for not listening and doing what i asked them to do. as i walked into our office i passed a few pics of all our girls and i saw our sweet twins and I was reminded that all to soon everything could be gone and how ungrateful i was being. in truth the reality of things is that i shouldn"t have yelled instead i should have stopped what i was doing and shown them, and taught them what to do. i am still learning to take advantage of every moment i have with my kids, and to enjoy it in the moment, because all too soon those moments will be gone.

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